Friday, May 25, 2007


And we're back. Ten days since the last post. How did that happen? Here is a quick summary: Work, Work, Work, G's grandfather passed away.

A friend of mine, one of the many Davids that I know, recommended that everytime I have a 3 day weekend, I should burn a vacation day and have a four day weekend. Sounds like a good plan to me. And here I sit staring at a four day weekend.

Here is a partial list of plans for the weekend:

1. Replace two timing belts in two Miatas.

2. Replace all the exterior door locks in a house a friend of ours is closing on today.

3. Classic Car Show at Alabama Jubilee. Maybe the antique tractor show also.

4. Take G' out to dinner without the children.

That is my list for today and tomorrow morning. After that who knows.

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