Tuesday, January 08, 2008

I went to the tech school this evening for my first welding class. Upon arrival I found out the class had been canceled due to a lack of folks registering. I asked the woman how many more people we needed to have the class. She replied two. I then proceeded to convince a couple of guys there for another class to sign up for the welding class instead. Now with enough interested the class was un-canceled, but unfortunately the teacher was not there because, well, he thought the class had been canceled. So the first class will be next week instead.

Yesterday I started a diet. My weight loss goal is 24 lbs. For the next few months you can watch my progress at the end of my posts. I will post pounds remaining pounds to lose in this format: [24]. Accountability is good right?

[24 lbs to go]

1 comment:

Terry said...

Accountability is indeed good. I started posting my weekly weight on my fridge to remind me of progress.. It is not like there is anything in there to tempt me, but a little reminder never hurt nobody. Hopefully, the number will start to fall again!! Good luck..