Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Top down, all day, in the parking garage at work.

Ate lunch outside to enjoy the weather. Unfortunately my friends attract flies.

This evening I cleaned and put away a few tools. Every now and again I get motivated to do a little clean up. I never get completely caught up but, then the mess never gets completely out of hand either. Well mostly completely but not quite totally completely.

While driving home from dinner Sunday evening, I pointed out the window at a group (herd?) of horses in a field and said to Ginger, "What do all thoses horses have in common?" No answer is heard, so I say while doing my very best Mr. Ed, "They are all neigh-bors."

I never figured out why I had to walk the rest of the way home. It was funny and gets funnier every time I tell it. At least all the voices in my head are laughing.

Tomorrow evening: fried okra.

It would be an interesting challenge at this point to read back and enumerate each obsession. How about a quick review: Miata, dirt, '72 GMC, dirt, okra, dirt, '68 GMC grill for '72 GMC, dirt, computer crash, hard-drive crash, Formula One hot wheels, rocks, dirt, diet, dirt. What did I omit? Wet-sanding, dirt, '48 Chevy, and more. Go read for yourself.

Did I mention that I recently realized that more than half my life has occurred after I graduated from high school than before. I am just glad I wasn't a band geek. Sorry iMike, I couldn't help myself.

1 comment:

Mike said...

I was more of a Quitter than a Band Geek. I only lasted one year in High School band, much to my parent's dissapointment.

I went on to quit lots of other things, too. Drama, soccer, tennis, Chess Club, Spanish Club, homework. I quit 'em all in less than four years.

Good times.