Sunday, October 29, 2006

Last night at dinner I annouced to Ginger that it was time for me to go on a diet. Starting tomorrow.

So today went pretty well. I believe I kept the calorie intake under 1500.

For the first couple of weeks my plan is to just keep the calorie count low. Normal food, just hopefully not to much. After I return from the camping trip I will examine the my results so far and decide if I need to kick it up a notch.

I in the past, I have had good success with high-protein, low carb diet. Unfortunately normal people can't live that way long term. But it does work pretty well.

As you can imagine, right now is not the perfect time to start a diet. Pecan pie season is about to start. :(

How much am I hoping to lose? Twenty-three pounds seems like a good number. Good for who though? Note to self: don't let this ruin the camping trip.

Wish me luck, and please don't send me your left over halloween candy.

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