Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Cast Iron

As I sat here watching Jordan play Star Wars Lego on the Nintendo, waiting for the Barrett-Jackson Auction to start on the Speed Channel, I decided to find something to read. I have grown bored with YouTube and Google Video, as well as MySpace.

I headed over to Mr-Miata as it was the first blog I had ever read, and my motivation for starting my own blog. I thought I would traverse some of his links.

At the top of his list of Miata blogs is one called Ain't Chicken. I wonder why they didn't use Ain't Skeerd. Must have been taken. Off we go.

Now this is something I can relate to. This person, is obsessing over a purchasing a toaster oven. I am all about obsessing over purchases. Finding what you want is the high point of shopping and the research is the thrill of the hunt. Now don't think I enjoy shopping for shopping's sake, but how can one not enjoy shopping for a new power tool kitchen appliance. (Isn't a kitchen appliance just a power tool for the kitchen?) I fondly recall getting my first blender and food processor, and I was all for it when we got a Kitchen Aid. It's like a mini-drill press for the kitchen, only without drill bits or mortising attachments. I digress. Perhaps someday I will tell you about when I made my first purchase of Tupperware, wooden spoons, a cutting board, tea glasses, or the year I bought myself Revereware stainless steel mixing bowls for Christmas ('92). (These things I will liken to hand tools, as that is pretty much what they are. Hand tools for the kitchen.) (Each purchase is it's own story.) The mixing bowls by the way are the perfect size for making Toll House cookies. I digress again. And I haven't even mentioned Amazon.com yet. But this post is about cast iron.

So over on Ain't Skeerd Chicken, Carol asks "Who needs new cast iron?" Why me of course.

Back in college, I decided it was time to learn how to fry okra. I know you are probably tired of reading about me frying okra, but I promise I want mention it again until this summer, after I finish up here.

To fry okra properly you need a few things. The primary ingredient is of course a cast iron skillet. I had no relatives dying off leaving me their cast iron, which is either a good thing or a bad thing depending upon how you look at it, so I obtained some new cast iron from Wal-Mart. A very sensible 8" skillet for frying okra and a nice 6" skillet for making cornbread just like dear old Dad. (I even used his recipe, verbally passed down a whole generation.) A few years later I got a more reasonable 10" Lodge skillet which allows for a larger batch of okra, or perhaps some chicken.

My first experience seasoning a skillet was less than optimal. It required some Crisco, and a little guess work on my part, but no cleavage. I seem to recall I set off the smoke alarm in my efficiency apartment. Glory days.

I think I just found the cure for blogger's block. Now you will have to excuse me as I resume my normal blog subject matter: a red Miata and an old rusty truck.

I never got a deviled egg tray, but then some things should be reserved for the girls.

I think the auction has started. Latter I need to head back over there and find out if "Ain't Chicken" refer's to dare devel stunts or the fried stuff.


Brian the Red said...

Wow. I feel just a little like that guy who started Match.com. :)

Rick said...

Except you aren't scoring any cash when people follow your links.

When are you going to provide me with some useful blogging material? Without a few more decent ideas I will quickly be reduced to "What I ate for breakfast this morning."

Brian the Red said...

Yesterday I wrote about the weather, day before I copied some of my spam into a post...I'm a freakin' goldmine of ideas here. :-D

Rick said...

This morning I had a pop-tart for breakfast.

Terry said...

What were we talking about again!!

Thats funny, the only reason I bought my cast iron skillet was to make Dear Old Dads cornbread (which he has given me the recipe on several occasions. Maybe verbal was not the way to go in my case.) I just go to his house when I want okra!!

Carol said...

I'm having Raisin Bran for breakfast this morning. And hey I take back the "idiot" part of my cast iron rant. That just wasn't nice. I forget that some people aren't lucky (or not) enough to have dead family members! One on my best "Mom" memories was the sound of the sizzle when she poured the cornbread batter into the burning hot cast iron skillet. I've never mastered good fried okra. Been a while since I've been to 'Bama but I'm taking my zoomzoom on a road trip to North Carolina in March. What time's supper???

Rick said...

I skipped the Pop Tart this morning and just had a Diet Pepsi. Not nutricious or delicious.

Suddenly I am craving fried okra, and corn bread. Now look what you did!

Swing on by. I will get started on supper.