A couple of weeks ago our digital camera called it quits. I was tasked with selection a new one. This turned into another obsession for me. Originally I planned to petition the finance committee for a digital SLR. I have wanted a Canon Rebel XT for a while. After thinking about it thought, I decided that it would not be very practical, what I actually needed was a sub-compact - something that would fit in my pocket. This was also the only requirement provided by the other member of the Obsession A/V club.
I consults with several friends who had recently purchased cameras, Consumer Reports, CNET, and the reviews on Amazon. I made trips to Wal-Mart, Target, and Best Buy to investigate the cameras in person. I made a spreadsheet and listed several features I felt were important, maximum cost, minimum resolution, maximum size, power up up time, etc. After about a week of investigating I had it narrowed down to one. And then back up to three, and then back down to one again. And then it was time to scour the net for a good price.
Today I placed the order. The new camera should be here in plenty of time for Turkey day.
The Charger had its oil changed yesterday. 10500 Miles
Oh, you big tease!
Wadya get?
The Canon Powershot SD1000 Digital Elph. I would have liked a little more optical zoom but in this size 4x is about the max. The other features won out.
That was actually my first runner-up. I went with the Panasonic because of the big zoom range and the 28mm low end. But I pay for that in camera size, the SD1000 is truly a pocket camera, while the TZ3 stretches that definition.
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