Yesterday, around dusk, the temperature was once again about perfect. Fortunately I needed to fill up the gas tank on the Miata. And I did.
Saturday morning after getting a much needed hair cut, I took the kids out to the local drag strip for the Mopar Show And Go car show. We only stayed about 45 minutes because we had to head west. The kids seemed to have a good time. I took their picture sitting in a Charger painted up like the General Lee. jJordan seemed interested in the race cars that were reving up the engines. Unfortunately we had to leave before the racing started. I think it might be pretty easy to convince him to go back. Brianna seemed to have a good time also. She picked out a few cars for us to check out. She has a good eye for cars.
After leaving the car show we headed over to Tuscumbia to have lunch with my Father, sister, brother and his family.
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