The Peanut Gallery Has Spoken
On Friday I went to the store to buy a couple of calculator batteries. The calcuator is a TI-83+. The required battery is a CR1616 or a CR2016. Either will do.
A friend, let's call him David, has the same calculator and needed to replace his battery also so I volunteered to pick up a spare.
Before going to the store, I wrote down the battery number so that I would not have to be concerned with forgetting it. Actually I wrote down both numbers. At the store, Wal-Mart, I looked over the battery selection and found the CR1620. Wait a minute, I thought it was a CR2016. Did I transpose those two numbers when I wrote it down?
I decided to call David and have him verify the battery number for me. No answer at this office. No answer on his cell phone.
I went ahead and bought the batteries which I discovered upon arriving home were definitely the wrong ones. I had not transposed the digits. Doh! "Oh well, I thought, I guess I will return them and get the right ones tomorrow."
As is the usual case, tomorrow rolled around the next day and while I was out I swung by Wal-Mart to get the correct battery. Only I forgot to bring the wrong batteries with me.
One this trip I did get the correct batteries. Why did I not spot these the first time? On the first trip I went to electronics (where the calculators live). On the second trip, an associate recommended I check in the jewelry department (where the calculators don't live).
What was the point of this story? Nothing, but iMike complained about there being no new posts in a while so I had to come up with some filler. Hope you liked it.
And the top was up on the Miata. I am still waiting on a warm breeze to blow through.
And I did my taxes last Saturday so that is one less thing. What are you waiting for?
And for the record, the whole elbow kissing thing was not my idea. Some other creative soul created that mischief. I simply got blamed 30 years later.
And the snow. I didn't even mention the snow last week.
I think I am all caught up now.
Nice post... now I have to go to Terrys blog. I need to add you two to my links list (if that's okay) to expidite that and remind me.
So clear something up for me...because I'm having a strawberry blonde moment *chuckle* You and terry are related, right? I'm so confused. Too many bloggers out there. *head spinning, room getting weird* Crap, what is in this coffee?
Or maybe it's Walmart withdrawal and reading your post made me jelly belly to go there. :D
Okay... question answered on Terry's blog. Go about your day! LOL
Angel - As you just figured out, Terry is my see'ster.
And please do add a link.
Okay, so maybe it was the Oldest Brother's Idea, but hey like you said the memory is 30 years old...
At least I know you are paying attention!!
Don't be dragging me into this freak show.
Now shut up and leave me alone.
That's what she said....
Hey Mike, not only are you in the post, BUT YOU ARE A LABEL as well!! iMIKE ROCKS!!
Just to rub it in, I drove around all day Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday with the lid down. Ahhh beautiful sunshine and warm breezes. On Tuesday I drove more than 40 miles in the sunshine with The Black Dog as my co-pilot. JUST BECAUSE I COULD.
Carol - During the summer I like to take a drive on Sunday afternoons with the top down, just because I can. I also do it most Sundays during the winter when it's not raining. Actually a little rain doesn't stop me either, it just causes me to put the lid up.
Send me some of that sunshine. It is cold and cloudy here and hail is falling from the sky.
I was just bragging about our three days of sunshine. It's basically been raining here since November. Got nothin to send ya boy. Sorry.
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