Sunday, March 25, 2007

Say Cheese

I had the camera out this weekend.

First I took some photos of the rear differential for the GMC. Later I took some more photos of the same diff. This time with all of the inside parts no longer on the inside.

Today I dropped in on Jack. Jack is building an airplane in his shop. I had the camera along to take a few photos. What he has done is amazing. And I have pictures to prove it.

What did I not take pictures of this weekend? I forgot to photograph the Miata with its new paint job. I also meant to take a picture of the kids.

1 comment:

Mike said...

Jenna's dad had a neighbor build a plane in his garage. But Pops never knew he was doing it

I never saw Jen's dad look sad except the day the neighbor showed him the nearly finished plane and asked him to help move the plane onto a trailer, so that it could make it's move to the airport to get it's wings attached.

Just knowing that project had happened in his neighborhood without him knowing sure made him sad.