Monday, May 24, 2004

The car really needs to be washed. The tires are filthy due to a little off roading I did last week. I had read that there was an autocross track over near County Line Road and 565. One day at lunch (the day I got rained on with the top down) I drove over there to check it out. I couldn't find what I would call an auto cross course, but I didn't really look that hard. At one point I realized I was actually driving on the motorcross track. I had a choice of either turning around or catching some really big air.

Made a quick trip to Ardmore for a cold Frapacheno{SP?} Mmmm.
Spent some time working the the 3rd generation camp oven. Looking good so far. While the oven is fairly light weight, I successfully loaded 10 lbs of lumber inside.

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