Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Yesterday {Doh!} I met the little people for lunch at El Mariachi. As I was paying, the guy running the place started asking me question about the Miata. He said he really liked it and was thinking about getting one. Of course I am always trying to sell people on Miatas, just not my Miata.

Happy Birthday

Today is little Terry's Birthday. I believe she is 33 but I will always think of here as 13.

Extreme Miata

On the way back to work, the bottom dropped out of the clouds. I was on the highway and there wasn't a good place to pull over so I just keep going. It was a pretty cool experience, and the interior didn't really get wet, though my hair did. At some point I realized it was foolish to be wearing sun glasses in the rain, so I took them off. Most because there was so much water on the lenses. By the time I got back to work it had stopped raining and my hair was dry. Who knew the Miata was also a high powered hair dryer.

Words of Wisedom

When riding in the rain with the top down, don't turn on the windshield wipers. It was cause all the water to come in around the side of the windshield, not over the top. I suppose this wouldn't have been a problem if the side windows had been up, but then again thats almost like putting the top.

I have now driven topless in the rain, and in the 30's (F). I suspect I will hit a new high temperature today. Probably lower 90's. I actually don't look forward to driving top down after the temp reaches 100, but I don't think I could put it up after all the ribbing I have given my friends about having a convertible and not using it. I imagine the coolest thing, pun inteneded, will be driving top down with it snowing!

Farmer Tan

Did I mention I already have a darker tan this year than I have ever had in my life. Actually I am still pretty white but at the same time it is an all time best for me.

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