Monday, March 06, 2006

Weekend Update

We all had a good weekend.   The weather is messing with us.  It is now March, and we have had a few nice days.  That next cold spell will be painful.
Thursday evening Jordan announced he could officially ride his bike.  No training wheels, no parents running along behind the bike holding on.  He has gotten significantly better.  I think he may be planning on enter the summer Olympics in two years.
Saturday I rotated the tires on the truck.  Wear patterns indicate it is out of alignment again!  Oil change also.  And new wiper blades.  The pickup now has 70k miles on it.  It is a '98, but I got it in the fall of '97.
And I got the truck frame dusted off.  Who knows what the future may hold.
Yesterday we loaded up all the bikes and went to a nearby park for a short ride.  And some playtime on the playground.

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