The harddrive in Ginger's laptop crashed Tuesday night. It is definitely making some nasty sounds. Back when be bought it, I decided to go against my normal advice and actually buy an extended warranty. I got the 3 year warranty. This decision was based on my past experience with other laptops. Extended warranties are alway a gamble. This gamble paid off.
The saga is as follows. I called CDW, the place I purchased it from and expained the problem. The told me to call IBM. Total phone time was less than 10 minutes. Normally they would have handled the warranty issue, but I made a special request. The gentleman I spoke with was very responsive.
Total time on the phone with IBM was less than 20 mintues. Again, I received good customer service on the phone. This seemed to be my lucky day.
Ok, now to hear about my woes. First the computer did not ship with install disks. I recall making a recovery disk, but I sure can't find it. CDW did not have any but said I could get one from IBM.
The harddrive is covered under the warranty. The tech support guy said he would ship me the CD and a new harddrive. I should get them either tomorrow or Monday.
I mentioned to him that I wanted to get my data recovered from the HD and was concerned this would void my warranty. He said no problem and explained how to handle this issue. Things seem to good to be true. (I will have to pay for the data recovery.)
Stay tuned...
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