Tuesday, June 29, 2004

It was a Miata kind of day. And speaking of which, last week when I renewed my car tags I requested a personalized tag for the car. Ginger said I had to get an Auburn tag because the car is red. The tag on the Ram and the Tahoe are both Auburn tags. So the new Miata tag will be an Auburn tag and 3 of the 5 letters are MX5. I will post a photo in a few weeks after the tag comes in.

No Comment
And I still haven't gotten the comment section working. I would work on that right now but I think I would rather go sit in the hot tub.

"Theres a Little Black Spot on the Sun Today"
I noticed iMike is now worried about water spots. See his blog for details.

Zoom Zoom Zoom
And I tried to get the zoom-zoom sticker from Brian, see his blog. Zero comments when I read about the give away, but before I could claim it someone else had. Bummer dude.

CDs and MP3s
I have been thinking about getting a new car stereo for a few months now. The current stero in the Miata has a cassette player. I think it is factory. I would like one that would play MP3s on CD-Rs. I considered a cd-changer in the trunk but I have gone that route before. I put one in the 1993 Acura Vigor I bought way back in 1992. It held 5 cds and those 5 cds would stay in there for months at a time. It began to drive me crazy because I never thought about changing the cds while the car was sitting still. I figure with a CD-R full of MP3s I can get more than 5 albums on a single disc. And I can change the disc while driving down the road, talking on the phone, fiddling with my portable etrex GPS, shifting gears, drinking frapuccino, and giving a fellow miata driver the high-five.

But first I need to get the purchase approved by the finance committee. "Honey, can I talk to you for a minute."

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