Monday, January 10, 2005

I am Sorry Dave, I cannot let you do that
The HAL 9000 AI comment sensoring tool has been disabled.

I had forgotten about the hoops I had jumped though to get comments to work in the first place. So now 2005 should work. While I was at it I went ahead and fixed 2006 also. That pretty much guarrantees the computer will crash this year. Fortunately Blogger is backing up my web archive and Google has my homepage cached. I suppose I will miss all the images, but lazyness comes at a cost and I have found the price I am willing to pay.

And as a reminder to myself, I got the comments to work by adding a symbolic link from the web home to the blog account.

ln -s /home/blogger/2005 2005

And now life is good again. You can now post your pithy comments.

Tomorrow is the beginning of auto body shop class. Note to self - I need a mullet.

1 comment:

Brian the Red said...

Ahhh...much better. Now what the heck was I gonna say...