Tuesday, April 12, 2005

GMC or Chevy?
I have made a decision. I have been thinking about this for several months. As I have said before my truck has a bit of an identity crisis. It was orignally a GMC but it currently looks to be a Chevy.

At some point the truck was involved in a collision. The front end must have been pretty well smashed up because the entire front end was replaced. The front cross member was not replaced but it is pretty well banged up. When I say the entire front end I mean the inner and outter grill, the radiator support, the left and right inner and outer fenders, the front bumper, and the front bumper brackets. {Technically the front bumper brackets were removed and never replaced.} Did I forget anything? Oh yeah, the hood.

So what did I decided? I decided to acquire a front end from a GMC truck to put on my truck. The current front end is part 71 and part 72 Chevy. What will I get? Well it depends on what I can find at the salvage yard. The price will probably run between $200 and $250 based on a quote I got a few months ago. That included the salvage yard workers removing the parts from the old truck. Imagine what it would cost to replace all that on your car.

I suspect I will put this off for a few months but it is never to early to start planning.

If my memory serves me correctly, any GMC front end from 67-72 should fit ok. I am torn between trying to find a 67-68 because of the sloped hood or looking for a 72 because that is what it came with. I will let you know more once I decide or whenever fate makes the decision for me.

Plenty of Fluids
As for the list below, I forgot to itemize pouring in the transmission and power steering fluid. The oil has already been introduced and the oil pump has been primed. For the record, I decided to try out a synthetic blend oil. I think it was Castrol. I am also considering switching the Miata to Mobile 1 when the next change rolls around. My neighor speaks very highly of it as do a few others I know.


Brian the Red said...

You should call it a GM-Chevy. That is the way of the future for the General: http://www.detnews.com/2005/autosinsider/0504/13/A01-149235.htm

Brian the Red said...

Guess I shoulda used a TinyURL...