Monday, July 19, 2004

I just finished reading The Da Vinci Code. I assume it has been getting good reviews because I have heard several people mention it lately. The story was pretty good. The puzzle aspect was pretty cool as well. I actually figured a few of the puzzles out before the solutions were presented. The coolest part though was all the conspiracy stuff. Several times I had to remind myself that you can't believe everything you read. It certainly made me want to read more about Da Vinci and Sir Isaac Newton. I liked the book enough that I took it to work and handed it off to a friend. It will be interesting to see what he thinks about it.

After finishing the code, I started another Terry Pratchett book. I have been working through a list of his stuff for about a year I suspect. I am on #13 of 22. Every now and then I throw in a Harry Potter book, but I am all caught up on those now. I got started on the Pratchett Disc World stuff after reading a book he co-wrote called "Good Omens". It was recommended by someone on Slashdot. Back in '92 someone recommended the first Pratchett book to me based on the fact that I enjoyed Douglas Adams' stuff (Hitch Hiker's Guide, Dirk Gentley, etc). Good Omens was ok, but I really like the Disc World stuff, especially the books involving Nanny Ogg and the GUY WHO TALKS LIKE THIS.

Zaphod Lives!

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